You deserve
to fall in love with your financial life

and live

I Will Help You
To Feel Good.

Really Fucking Good.

Financial Money LGBTQ Coach

Do you ever feel like everyone and their insta-famous pug is leveling up in life and you are spinning your wheels?

Are you ‘winging it’ every month and managing your money from memory?

Have you ever felt like a glowing unicorn trying to navigate the dystopian world of finance?

If you answered yes to any of these questions:

This space is for us.
For the
heart-centered, brave, and resilient souls who desire a financial adventure that celebrates our radiant spirits.

Excited Financial Coach Money LGBTQ Success

We believe our values light our path in life, love, and finances

We embrace our differences and thrive being radically authentic

We are committed to being fucking honest with ourselves so that we can live our purpose

Are you ready to elevate your life and love your money?

Level Up

I know that you are amazing.

Together we will:

Jumpstart with a judgement-free financial snapshot

Get crystal clear on your best-life targets

Craft your unique financial trail map

Fund your wild-hearted dream life

Do it with support and accountability

Happy Peeps

Highly recommended! If you’re on the fence, do it. With their help, we’ve managed to navigate our credit debt and started saving for the things we love, like vacations! It’s like a weight has been lifted. Thank you, Wave!
— Shelly
I was making a good salary. Then, Wave introduced me to the concept of Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE).

Honestly, I quickly brushed off the idea. How would I afford to still have fun?!

But Wave had planted the seed! That seed has become a full-on sprouted plant.

I’m saving & investing 33% of my income and the current amount in my retirement accounts is $250,000!!! (and I still have money for fun).

Thank you, Wave! I wouldn’t be a quarter of the way to a million dollars without you!
— Elizabeth
Wave’s approach is empowering and tailored. Their guidance helped me get organized, tackle debt, and get started on my Roth IRA.
— Liv

Personalized Coaching is the Ultimate Life Hack.

(Trust me, I know—I have a coach too!)

Exhausted by the endless money-worry cycle?

Dreaming of epic vacations but struggling with your cashmoney?

Ready for personalized support because cash is flowing in?

Best News Ever!

You don’t have to go it alone

I am here for you. It is never too late to get started. There is no perfect time, right? It is just now!

Sometimes we need to go for it so that we can transform in the best way possible. Mayybeee even wearing your unicorn onesie while you manage your finances and grow your wealth!

The goal is not just a fat stack of cash but a life
where your soul gets to run wild and free.

This is the core of financial freedom.

The ability to live the life of your choosing because you have taken steps to get your financial life together.

You can so totally

do this!


This takes commitment.

You are the one who has to dig deep.

Like any adventure, there are rigorous climbs and rewarding vistas.

Let’s do it together!